Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Critical Thinking and Technology in Math - Would You Rather?

This website posts "Would you rather?" questions which require students to justify their answer using math.  Some questions may require providing additional facts to students - the teacher could prepare this in advance or allow the students to search online for the answer.  (i.e. "How much is the penalty when taking the lump-sum?")

Go to:

This site offers the opportunity for critical thinking relating to real-world situations.

Critical problem solving is one of the 4 C's of 21st Century Learning:

Image from pixgood.com

Monday, February 2, 2015

Create Infographics to Share Information

Visual learners as well as students with linguistic, logical-mathematical, and/or spatial intelligence strengths will love creating infographics to show what they know.

Check out an example of a finished PiktoChart infographic:

You can create an account at PiktoChart.com and have your students make infographics directly from the PiktoChart website.  Elementary students can use the teacher's account, and students in 7th-12th grade can sign up for their own.  Students can present in class just by having the website up and running.  It is easy for students to show their PiktoChart on your Smart Board by using the "Publish" button, choosing "Open on Web", and clicking "Presentation Mode".